Monday, February 28, 2011

Dictatorship, Democracy; What next?

Lately it seems that the whole world wants to vote for someone, especially if they have not voted before. The Democracy is the most popular form of governance, in the opinion of human population living at present.

Like all other natural phenomenon, laws of natural selection and evolution are very much applicable to the State and various forms of its Governments. These states and governments were only born when the conditions were favourable for their birth. With the same token, they will all die when time is ripe for their departure. It seems that the time for monarchy, dictatorship, military and authoritarian regimes is reaching their logical end point. The populace of these virtually obsolete states have evolved at a faster pace then the controlling state itself so these states must switch to some other form or vanish. The democratic governments around the world have passed the test so far and will be eligible to go to next round.

Kingdoms lasted for few centuries, dictators for few decades but how long these democracies will survive the test of the time?  Who knows? Survivors are entitled to rejoice but they should prepare for their own turn, like all others that have been their predecessors.

The Democratic regimes, although holding the top ranking at the moment, were not always the preferred mode of government. It is probably the most suited for the current level of evolution of the majority of people. With mass education and relatively free access to world media, the citizens are becoming well informed and Democracy has evolved as an appropriate response to that. It is the most advanced and stealth way of robbing a considerable share of its citizens’ labour with the least amount of resistance and pain. Very much like operating under general anaesthesia, controlled and well regulated.

These smart states can hire soldiers, scientists, police, judiciary, media and even artists to work towards their politico-economic goals. An agricultural scientist thinks she can improve the standard of living of millions of farmers, whilst an army colonel wonders what will happen to his fatherland without his battalion. By getting the ‘privilege’ to vote and elect their rulers every few years, electorate develop the illusion of being part of the state machine. At the same time ruling elite of the society is happy to have their slice of the pie.

If one believes in Democracy and still protests against the government elected by the majority, there must be a flaw in the equation. Either he voted for the wrong party by mistake or he doesn’t believe in the rule of majority government?

It is quite easy to depose a dictator or a king. The target is obvious and there are clear demarcation between the protestor and the target. Who do you topple when it is your own people’s elected government on the other side; you know the one which is of the people, by the people, for the people?

1 comment:

  1. i think internal terrorism or we can say internal war is the next
