The State and its Taxes; an Evil and Unnecessary Institution of Economic and Political Slavery
“One can’t avoid Taxes and Death”, that’s what we are taught, by the State of course. Let us agree with Death part of the statement and examine the Taxes whilst we are still alive. Death was here long before some one was taxed for the first time. Taxes only came to existence few thousand years ago, primarily in the form of human slavery. Its journey from slavery to modern income tax encompasses few hundred types such as property tax, goods and service tax, salt tax, health tax etc. They all are curse on us and they take away part of our life under the threat of coercion. That’s why the State as its driving force is a predominately an anti-social institution.
The common man, under the influence of mass education and mass media cannot imagine living without taxes and governments but when a man of integrity receives a tax bill, or a law is passed restricting use of his native language or his religious beliefs, a part of him is murdered. He doesn’t want to say yes and he can’t say no. When someone, a group or class rules over others, including him, he feels it like a condition of slavery.
Human material needs can only be met by two distinct ways. One is through economic means like a farmer growing a crop or a factory worker producing some goods. Secondly through political (parasitic) means, taxing the producers by using the state power to do so. The political one is by far an easy and more desirable option for many of us.
When we study the origin of any state, we find the evidence of conquest from the defeated owners of the former State and seizure from current economic producers under the pretext of taxes. Every country has a limited quantity of human social power. Any power and wealth that we see in the hands of the State was basically taken away from its citizens sometime in the past. One can trace down every single penny in the State’s coffers to a working human being.
Winner’s reward can have many forms. In the times of Genghis Khan it could be women, cattle or horses; In the times of Alexander the Great it was gold and silver coins but these days, in the times of Bush and Obama, it is mainly energy resources such as Oil and Gas. Sometime it is simply a contract of future sales under the terms and condition of the winning side. A State cannot exist without economic exploitation of some sort. Anyone who controls a state, even for a short while, can and does uses it for the benefit of himself, his family, his supporting group or the class it represents and Nothing Else.
Total power in the hands of any society and its Sate is pretty much constant. What one has the other side is deprived of it. The other characteristic of a State is that it has to keep increasing its power all the time to remain in power. In that process, it accumulates disproportionally high power and not enough social power to hold its weight. At that point, it also becomes extremely complex in its composition, and then it has to collapse.
Institution of State was never designed for the benefit of all It is simply there to protect the winner from the loser group or class. Abolish or curtail any future threat to its authority from internal and external powers. Minister of Interior, Home Minister, Foreign Minister and Secretary of State are not just fancy designations. They have a specific role to play. They are slaves of the State too. Most of the job is already cut out for them when they take charge. That’s why millions of people feel disheartened when they don’t find any substantial change in a country’s foreign and internal policies with the change of governments within the same State. That’s why commander-in-chief Obama could not even order the closure of Guantanamo Bay prison, let alone shutting down over one hundred army bases around the globe. Not until the Empire State seizes to be an Empire State.
All States, like all businesses collapse one day when cost of maintaining them exceeds the return on their investment. Never think that a State can defend you from any foreign aggression, it can merely force its citizens to defend it. A State uses its full force of guns and boots to keep its monopolistic control over its market territory, its participants and keep away other competing foreign state monopolies. It can only exist as a monopoly and no other way. That’s why when a territory of any state wants its independence to break away, it is classified as a separatist movement and crushed with full State force.
One can bring a government to justice but State is always above law, until it is gone. So you have to either capture it for your class benefit or dismantle it for the benefit of all. Think twice when you pay your next tax bill or vote for electing someone to rule over you. Each tax dollar and each vote transfer a part of your power to the State. At the same time discard this suggestion as rubbish if you happen to be in the ruling elite political group of your State.